Brand New Colony, Brave New World.

"I am sure every girl can recall, at least once as a child, coming home and telling their parents,..."


I am sure every girl can recall, at least once as a child, coming home and telling their parents, uncle, aunt or grandparent about a boy who had pulled her hair, hit her, teased her, pushed her or committed some other playground crime. I will bet money that most of those, if not all, will tell you that they were told "Oh, that just means he likes you". I never really thought much about it before having a daughter of my own. I find it appalling that this line of bullshit is still being fed to young children. Look, if you want to tell your child that being verbally and/or physically abused is an acceptable sign of affection, i urge you to rethink your parenting strategy. If you try and feed MY daughter that crap, you better bring protective gear because I am going to shower you with the brand of "affection" you are endorsing.

When the fuck was it decided that we should start teaching our daughters to accept being belittled, disrespected and abused as endearing treatment? And we have the audacity to wonder why women stay in abusive relationships? How did society become so oblivious to the fact that we were conditioning our daughters to endure abusive treatment, much less view it as romantic overtures? Is this where the phrase "hitting on girls" comes from? Well, here is a tip: Save the "it's so cute when he gets hateful/physical with her because it means he loves her" asshattery for your own kids, not mine. While you're at it, keep them away from my kids until you decide to teach them respect and boundaries.

My daughter is 10 years old and has come home on more than one occasion recounting an incident at school in which she was teased or harassed by a male classmate. There has been several times when someone that she was retelling the story to responded with the old, "that just means he likes you" line. Wrong. I want my daughter to know that being disrespected is NEVER acceptable. I want my daughter to know that if someone likes her and respects her, much less LOVES her, they don't hurt her and they don't put her down. I want my daughter to know that the boy called her ugly or pushed her or pulled her hair didn't do it because he admires her, it is because he is a little asshole and assholes are an occurrence of society that will have to be dealt with for the rest of her life. I want my daughter to know how to deal with assholes she will encounter throughout her life. For now, I want my daughter to know that if someone is verbally harassing her, she should tell the teacher and if the teacher does nothing, she should tell me. If someone physically touches her, tell the teacher then, if it continues, to yell, "STOP TOUCHING/PUNCHING/PUSHING ME" in the middle of class or the hallway, then tell me. Last year, one little boy stole her silly bandz from her. He just grabbed her and yanked a handful of them off of her wrist. When I went to the school to address the incident, the teacher smiled and explained it away to her, in front of me, "he probably has a crush on you". Okay, the boy walked up to my daughter, grabbed and held her by the arm and forcibly removed her bracelets from her as she struggled and you want to convince her that she should be flattered? Fuck off. I am going to punch you in the face but I hope you realize it is just my way of thanking you for the great advice you gave my daughter. If these same advice givers' sons came home crying because another male classmate was pushing them, pulling their hair, hitting them or calling them names, I would bet dollars to donuts they would tell him to defend themselves and kick the kid's ass, if necessary. They sure as shit wouldn't say, "he probably just wants a play date".

I will teach my daughter to accept nothing less than respect. Anyone who hurts her physically or emotionally doesn't deserve her respect, friendship or love. I will teach my boys the same thing as well as the fact that hitting on girls doesn't involve hitting girls. I can't teach my daughter to respect herself if I am teaching her that no one else has to respect her. I can't raise sons that respect women, if I teach them that bullying is a valid expression of affection.

The next time that someone offers up that little "secret" to my daughter, I am going to slap the person across the face and yell, "I LOVE YOU".



You Didn't Thank Me For Punching You in the Face « Views from the Couch 

So much this.

(via padalecking)

And that's the most frustrating thing about depression. It...

And that's the most frustrating thing about depression. It isn't always something you can fight back against with hope. It isn't even something — it's nothing. And you can't combat nothing. You can't fill it up. You can't cover it. It's just there, pulling the meaning out of everything. That being the case, all the hopeful, proactive solutions start to sound completely insane in contrast to the scope of the problem.

It would be like having a bunch of dead fish, but no one around you will acknowledge that the fish are dead. Instead, they offer to help you look for the fish or try to help you figure out why they disappeared. 

ensign-chevvy: too deep not to reblog I loved this movie more...


too deep not to reblog

I loved this movie more than you'll ever know.

hearing him give a speech about something he loves, and about a history that spans great lengths, those that make fun of this have nothing in their lives.

missjessicasmith: transhumanisticpanspermia: mia-the-wonder-slu...






Why Finnish babies sleep in cardboard boxes

For 75 years, Finland's expectant mothers have been given a box by the state. It's like a starter kit of clothes, sheets and toys that can even be used as a bed. And some say it helped Finland achieve one of the world's lowest infant mortality rates.

It's a tradition that dates back to the 1930s and it's designed to give all children in Finland, no matter what background they're from, an equal start in life.

The maternity package - a gift from the government - is available to all expectant mothers.

It contains bodysuits, a sleeping bag, outdoor gear, bathing products for the baby, as well as nappies, bedding and a small mattress.

With the mattress in the bottom, the box becomes a baby's first bed. Many children, from all social backgrounds, have their first naps within the safety of the box's four cardboard walls.

Mothers have a choice between taking the box, or a cash grant, currently set at 140 euros, but 95% opt for the box as it's worth much more.

The tradition dates back to 1938. To begin with, the scheme was only available to families on low incomes, but that changed in 1949.

Infant mortality in Finland

(From BBC)

Socialism at work.

I would rather my tax money pay for this than drone missiles.

I bet you there's even a reduction in deaths from the cardboard box itself. (Cribs really are bad news for infants.)

Infant mortality was the initial reason for them. And it worked extremely well.

gamefreaksnz: Murdered: Soul Suspect debut screenshots Square...


Murdered: Soul Suspect debut screenshots

Square Enix have released the first screenshots from Murdered: Soul Suspect, a ghostly detective drama that lets players solve their own murder from beyond the grave.

god this looks great.

gotta finish LA Noire though…

Bad Wine and Funny Tofu

Nicholas, Nicholas, Nicholas. I can hear my grandma saying my name. but when my brains long gone, and even my heart has turned to worm food, I’ll have her saying my name, something I was so happy I could never forget, with me. Forged in the bonds of Jello making and a love for me, which life knows know bounds. to wait to have surgery, to make sure she could see me alive in the off chance that she wouldn’t make it; that’s dedication. She earned that by criterion I’ll never be able to say could be more than an eternal trust that she’d approve of me doing what’s my fair share, and giving equality to all those I meet. It’s a special spot beyond the love muscle. It exists outside of time and space as a memory which can be altered. Unfathomable in the means’ it gives me to live.

and Radar, you share a spot there of the first person who got me drunk off wine and coke barf flavored deliciousness. It wasn’t just that, but the fact that you were on my level of plane of existence of thought. a person to finish my sentences with, and a person who to closely experienced a death alike the one I’d seen in a friend, and horrifically imagined in myself.

I let got of the rope and let it run wild, and as I was chasing the pipe and his dreams of the things that could all go wrong, and I never thought of giving up on the pipers dreams, and just get back to bad wine and funny tofu. But I can embrace it outside of my mortal existence like my grandmother saying: Nicholas, Nicholas, Nicholas.

I’ll always have the taste of bad wine in my mouth, and a face that laughed at my expression when I realized I was gazing back at someone who finally enjoyed me.

Maybe I'm broken, if I won't give up a spot in my...

Maybe I'm broken, if I won't give up a spot in my heart for something else.

You'll be there, next to the sole other girl who I Pined the similar for.

Maybe I've got a glitch in the system,

But the way I see it, I'm still running.

I dont care if it's a //security// flaw.

I'll live dngerously if it means I can hold onto this memory of this feeling I get from watching movies and drinking wine with you.

Wine-o's 4 lyfe.


but I'll keep that moment of actually drinking right up there next to the voice of my grandma saying my name.

Ready for the times to consolidate, you'll be there because Just like I need Jane saying my name, I need a basis for what a quality person is.


time to fully write this out.

brothertedd: Watchmen by Ken Taylor My Favorite movie getting...


Watchmen by Ken Taylor

My Favorite movie getting drawn in posters is a dream come true.

peachylingerie: Breezy Hyacinth stockings by Amoralle.


Breezy Hyacinth stockings by Amoralle.


"With insomnia, nothing is real. Everything is far away....

"With insomnia, nothing is real. Everything is far away. Everything is a copy of a copy of a copy."

archiemcphee: These movie stills and film posters all have one...


These movie stills and film posters all have one amusing thing in common: hands that were originally holding guns are now giving the thumbs-up gesture. These manipulated images are from a crowdsourced photoblog called Thumbs & Ammo, which operates on a simple and rather awesome principle:

"Real tough guys don't need guns, they just need a positive, can-do attitude."

Anyone is welcome to suitably alter a movie still or poster and submit it to Thumbs & Ammo. Just send your 'shopped image to

[via PetaPixel and Laughing Squid]

“Staying positive is fucking hard!”

“Staying positive is fucking hard!”

blackdahliaparton: melancholynecrokiss: queenofspace: D/sphori...




D/sphoria is a zine i wrote with black dahlia parton about the experience of being a dominant, kinky trans woman, about the ways kink gives us (and has given me) a vocabulary for speaking for our bodies and for redefining what sex and intimacy mean. you can buy a physical, twenty-five-plus page version from my online store or read the complete text online for free. thanks to all my creatures for being the first to read and encourage me


I helped make a thing!

jetpacksunrise: Desktop background time! This hyper-detailed...


Desktop background time! This hyper-detailed cityscape is the work of Imperial Boy, a massively talented illustrator. It comes in four flavours - dawn, day, dusk and night - so if you're really fancy you can sync it up with the time of day. 

Wallpaper links: Dawn, Day, Dusk, Night.

If you don't insert that bill nye photo meme here, I think you're stupid.

"Oh, stairway to heaven's not actually that hard to play"

"Oh, stairway to heaven's not actually that hard to play"

- Words I'd never thought I'd speak, and subsequently be truthful about. On the Pretent-O-Meter, I'd give that about a 6, with 1 being "That's like stealing candy from a baby" (/cause that's not even a challenge srsly ANYONE could do that/) and with 10 being "I'M THE BEST MOTHERFUCKER ALIVE, AND YOU SNIVLEING LITTLE SHITS WOULD DIE WITHOUT ME!" which clearly is an overstatement that would, if repeated at a ludicrous dosage of least 2 time a day for a week, would surely get me killed.

Free Will

Being born alive is the most interesting thing about life: It's the only thing we never made a choice about. Or did we? Did our souls unanimously agree that each shall wait their turn in pre-time, until it is their turn to observe this world? I mean, If we look at this world we live in, it's miraculously fascinating. I think to say that 10 years ago, this such information about our future, the ability to think we had such a connected world, would be ludicrous. We could imagine it, but not in the fine detailed needs, until the steps before us were walked, and a map opened before our gaze; leading us to new horizons. Or did our souls fight amongst another in a battle to chose to be on this plane of life? What happens to the losers? Do they never see the warmth of the sun on the first day they are born? Would they never be able to process such trivial thoughts as ours, yet pine for more complex tasks, or a deferment  from the bore? Is it like how we as creatures of vast expanse of awe and wonder, can be so amused and the less classy, bemused, at such trivial things? If it weren't but for a moment to appreciate the rain and see another fall in such rain, would you cry or laugh at this story I tell you. Do you have empathy? I think you do, although your answer may seem contradictor to what others may lead you to believe. but if the first person had not laughed at the idea, and thought of the rain gutter, wouldn't our lives be so different as of today? what changes could have occurred in those times, had no one been there to glimpse it: no rain gutters. no wires, no sewers, not a thing we know could exist today without a moment of time where a lack of empathy caused a revolution in urban design. Now look at you. The only choice you never got to make, but had to live with is your life. Do with it as you wish, but your wish may export outcomes you could not have fathomed, as a result of ill-viewing. Taking your life, takes away a moment of interaction, a precisely laid out fabric that we only get to experience, but can never sew. Some say the seeds of yesterday were sown a millennium ago. And if free will does not exist, why does that scare anyone? If the only true free will you ever had was to be born, then you are at the crossroads of your love ad hate for this idea. I mean this idea in the simplistic way: you, however it came to be, were born. You had no choice in the matter, and so, by the lack of you making any decision whatsoever, you were free of someone else's will to let you make your own. I see free will as letting others make decisions for you. I'm not saying you have to love your parents, heavens no, if the fuckers hurt you, resent them. But separate what they do to you, from the one gift they gave you: free will. They gave you a will to live, and with that, from there, all other choices are sewn into each and every life in an invisible fabric of time and space. While it would be true that removing yourself from a situation, Distancing, could equally be part of the sewn in fundamental time space continuum, I present you with another option: make the choice of Free will again. Now on your own. If you feel as though you don't belong, let your interests be your map  and let yourself gaze upon where you want to go, and graze with others alike. Who knows, maybe you can show someone else free will someday, and let them know what their space in the sheet means to you, and let them choose what sheet they may to follow.

dinglehoppersaplenty: okay so what i'm gathering is that you usually take the SAT on a Saturday,...


okay so what i'm gathering is that you usually take the SAT on a Saturday, usually at a school outside of your district, and you usually have to pay some kind of fee for it

okay then

if you want to live, then yes.

I mean, if you want a movie or a game, I can easily get you a link and I’m just saying.

I mean, if you want a movie or a game, I can easily get you a link and I’m just saying.
