naked covers history

LONDON - Today's the world's Record Store Day.
Beady Eye in the new album even put a pussy, lol. The bush, you know, in the 60s and 70s girls didn't use to shave ^_^ The "fucking hippies".
Sexy artworks: choosing a nude girl doesn't mean selling more albums, because of censure, and if you hear what many girls say: I'm not going to buy this porn... They pretend to be shocked, when everybody knows all the girls secretly (or not secretly) like the girls too ;)
Or they use it as an excuse to attack Liam Gallagher.
Here are some of the most famous or best sexy sleeves:

Fausto Papetti, many sexy artworks since 1961 (Italian, saxophone)
Jimi Hendrix Experience, The Electric Ladyland - 1968
Blind Faith (Eric Clapton) - 1969
The Lovin' Spoonful - Revelation: Revolution '69 - 1969 (band from where Noel Gallagher copied the lyrics for The Death of You and Me - and music copied from Pino Daniele - heard him in his travels to South Italy)
Roxy Music (Bryan Ferry), Country Life - 1974
Eric Clapton, E.C. Was Here - 1975
The Slits, Cut - 1979
Roger Waters, The Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking - 1984
Unclesam, Heaven or Hollywood - 1988
Ween, Chocolate and Cheese - 1994
Sugar Ray, Lemonade And Brownies - 1995
Molotov, Donde Jugaran Las Ninas - 1997
Pulp, This is Hardcore - 1998
Dwarves, Come Clean - 2000
The Strokes, Is This It - 2001 (my ex-best friend was friends with his father... you know who... and the son was moaning in his songs, as if he was an unlucky guy...)
Rollins Band, Nice - 2001
Placebo, Sleeping With Ghost - 2003
Casanova, All Beauty Must Die - 2004
Gods of the Radio, Narrowcasting - 2005
Katy Perry, Teenage Dream - 2010
Maroon 5, Hands All Over - 2010
Steel Panther, Balls Out - 2011
Beady Eye, BE - 2013

(and many more, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Queens of the Stone Age, Rammstein, Madonna, Black Crowes - this summer with Beady Eye in Italy, etc.)

(if you can't see the video, maybe you need to join Dailymotion)