tabloids fake stories

LONDON - Tabloids don't know what to write. Nothing new, especially in the summer, and not only in the summer (and articles written mostly by women). All for desperate housewives. This is crazy. Debbie was already not working anymore for them, she was there in Ibiza in a personal capacity AFTER leaving the management agency.
Of course tabloids invented the story that she was sacked BECAUSE she was there. 
Can you imagine : Liam, who has no word eh, agrees and let them sack her.
"The source confirmed: Liam Gallagher and Debbie have become too close for comfort for management. It doesn’t look good for them if there appears to be flirting between an employee and their star. She has left — but not on her own terms.”
ahaha this is a classic, "a source said".
It's also hilarious the way they write stories, with dialogues like in a soap opera, as if they were there.
Now that the son of Kate and William is born, this story is going to end. Until the next one.

They haven't found a photo of Liam riding a dog in a pub yet. How strange, they have pics for everything. And still they haven't convinced the people working there that Liam kicked out of the pub, even TWICE, on MOTHER'S DAY, was a true story ahaha. And according to some album reviews, it seems that it's Liam deciding to be in fake stories (Liam's fault, classic - the media have learned from the fake man Noel the media darling telling lies), and for this reason the new album is bad. Congrats. They're sick. And of course there are thousands of readers commenting against Liam. It's amazing how haters are interested.
More tabloids bullshit to add soon.

Now it's the "poor victim" phase (Noel is famous for that): "Terrified Liza Ghorbani was stuck inside without power as Superstorm Sandy left more than 40 dead in New York last October. It is claimed the showbiz writer had an affair with She’s Electric singer Liam — and that he dumped her when she fell pregnant."
You know, Liam fell pregnant alone. It almost seems that Liam raped her.

Don't go awayyyy.... (by the Griffiths, authors of many Oasis songs "by Noel Gallagher")


Beady Eye new video

Shine a light, someone please tell Robbie Williams there's a chorus or he can't sleep.
It pulls the rare and commendable move of using the Bo Diddley beat in 2013, includes scenes involving Liam Gallagher surrounded by naked women. The promo for the song, which features on the band's new album BE, features clips of the band with scenes of Liam wearing sunglasses and laying down among the group of women. Another scene shows the band enjoying a medieval style feast with a model (and Liam) dressed as a nun


Beady Eye @ Benicassim festival

Benicassim festival, more videos soon.
go Liam! legend.

goes to shake hands with fans, scaredy cat Noel never did this


Liam Gallagher's new girlfriend Debbie

SANT ANTONI (Ibiza) - Italian paparazzi, lol. News about the soap opera: it seems Nicole left Liam, thank God ahaha I didn't like her.
I had some doubts about his taste in women, only Patsy Kensit was cute, that Appleton looked like an ugly horse, Lisa (as he called her, "the fucking woman" ahaha) was ugly, Liza the same.
This one looks better (even if with a bit of extra belly... pregnant? ahaha)
All the haters should check if Liam is father of their sons too...
Brother Paul was with them (you know he preferred Beady Eye to Noel and attends their gigs and Pretty Green clothes and events).
Haters are now saying that Nicole should kick him out of the house... it's not her house...
And of course they're blaming Liam, not the woman looking for money eh... (''Liza isn't after millions of dollars, she is simply seeking child support" ahaha hilarious and the millions...what for? to buy her a Ferrari?) And, oh she felt incredibly hurt... oh poor victim, what about his wife, girl?
Liam said he's not suing anyone.
The story of the child is not so negative for the Oasis fans: in case he needs more money, that would mean he's going to make more music, the film the Longest Cocktail Party (DiLello book) and maybe the Oasis reunion.
By the way, about the movie (maybe with Johnny Depp, who played guitar with Oasis) and Pretty Green clothes, Liam said it's not a film about the Beatles (you know, it's about the Apple), the music will be instrumental by them, while the people thought it would've been by the Beatles.
Also, Liam met Idris Elba by the pool at Ibiza Rock Pikes Hotel for the first time since their altercation and Liam held his hand out to Idris and apologised and Idris was ever grateful and apologised too. They happily spent the afternoon sunbathing together.
Tomorrow Benicassim festival.
Stay young!


Beady Eye @ Ibiza Rocks

SANT ANTONI DE PORTMANY - More videos soon. "Baby fuck off" ahaha (song by Wayne County & the Electric Chairs). Night with deejay Zane too.

Beady Eye took to the stage at 10.55 to a huge applause from the crowd. Liam seemed to be in good spirits and characteristically prowled around the stage and leered into the microphone to sing with his arms behind his back.
Liam Gallagher will always be Liam Gallagher and retain his distinctive style, whether you like it or not. But you can’t fault the band, even if you don’t like their material - they are tight, professional and look the part. It’s pure rock and roll.

Liam Gallagher is suing a US paper after it claimed he fathered a secret love child behind his wife Nicole Appleton’s back.
Liza Ghorbani, a showbiz reporter, who is in her 30s and specialises in interviewing celebrities, alleges the former Oasis frontman is the father of her baby girl. His British spokesman declined to respond to the gossip – but told the star now plans with his lawyers to sue the New York Post.

But Liam said he's not suing anyone, so there must be some untrue things the papers wrote, as always.

One of her friends, who was there the night she met him, said: ‘We went to the Norwood Club in Manhattan. Liza displayed all the classic signs of a groupie that night. I was shocked.
It was around 10pm and they were drinking and hanging out and acting more like friends and lovers than a writer and her subject. I remember feeling very uncomfortable. Liam was with two mates, one his business partner. He was sitting on a sofa with Liza. It was dark, with candlelight, quite romantic. He was drinking a lot of cocktails. Liza was also drinking, which was unusual.'

More pearls from the Oasis haters, they have no knowledge of Oasis at all. "Liam had one good debut album (written by his brother)"... hilarious. It's Noel's album written with discared songs from the 2001 and 2004 sessions, co-written with Gem. If they refer to Oasis' debut album, it was mostly written by the Griffiths... "a series of increasingly terrible albums": mostly written by Noel...
It even came out that Noel was "kicked out of the band" ahaha oh the poor victim, yeah should have done it...


Beady Eye @ T in the Park 2013

KINROSS - @ Radio One stage. Some people are butthurt that Beady Eye were 1st in the chart in Scotland.
There is no question that Beady Eye are a good band. The legacy of Oasis was not built upon the older Gallagher brother’s songwriting alone, and Liam still cuts an intimidating figure behind the microphone, glowing with petulant charisma. He spits ‘I’m Just Saying’ and ‘The Roller’ into the haze of cascading drizzle cascad, and displays a dramatic improvement in the quality of his vocals with softer touches from BE, including a soulful ‘Start Anew’.
The rest of the band too, in Andy Bell, Gem Archer and Chris Sharrock, are all top drawer musicians, and the production touch of Dave Sitek makes a difference on the new tracks.

more videos soon
another photo @ backstage in the previous post


BE 16th positive review

NORWICH - Found another positive review. Today Beady Eye @ T in the Park festival in Scotland (photo in the backstage), see next post.

On the last outing, Beady Eye were just ‘Liam Gallagher’s new band’. Liam had come up with some exciting new material with his new mates, but we knew it was never going to be Oasis-standard even before we heard it. A victim of his own success, Liam’s first offering since ‘the tiff’ Different Gear Still Speeding was never going to surpass what the Super Gallagher Bros. had done previously.
Second album in, this isn’t the case. BE is experimental, rejuvenating, a reincarnation for Liam. No longer is the battle between Liam’s new band and Noel Gallagher’s Flying what’s-their-faces. They’re not even Liam’s band anymore; they’re Beady Eye, disassociating themselves with Oasis’ dirty, successful past. The hype’s over; now they’re having fun.
BE’s production is sublime and where the fun lies. This is no less apparent in opener Flick of the Finger, a brass-heavy, polished opening piece adorned with distorted spoken word ready to set your ears alight with inspiration. Lead single Second Bite of the Apple is similar, but mixes the prowess of epic brass with the enigmatic and mysterious; at first listen it’s odd, but magical. The wizardry of this production ensures this musical piece is perfectly crafted, like Beady Eye are explicitly saying, “We’re back and we’re better, have you missed us?”
Acute craftsmanship is unmistakable in the songwriting as well. A particular diamond in this jewellery box is the serenity-inducing Don’t Brother Me, three minutes of intoxicating bliss followed by four of instrumental sorcery. Also sparkling is happy-go-lucky sing-a-long Iz Rite, the tribal Shine a Light, fusing ritual drumming with romantic, waltzing breakdowns, and the effortless I’m Just Saying, perfect for an open-top car ride at sunset.
Whilst Beady Eye were Different Gear Still Speeding with their last album, their second offering slows down at the end. 15 tracks long, BE finishes its last six winding down. But it makes the album’s pace lackluster; you feel like Beady Eye are dragging it out a bit. The World’s Not Set in Stone, the liveliest one of the bunch, puts a mild smile on your face. Ballroom Figured attempts to transport you to a deserted, nostalgic dance hall, but they just don’t put enough effort in to create the right atmosphere. Final tracks Back after the Break and Off at the Next Exit seem to merge into each other, passing you by. These songs could be cut, and fans wouldn’t miss out if this album was just a tad shorter.
Having said that, most of the time Beady Eye are majestic. They explore places no one ever thought they would, and have transformed into a band of their own right, not just a side-effect of another Gallagher brothers domestic.
[there was no rating, but sounds like another 4 stars]

BE 15th positive review

DALLAS (Texas) - found another positive review, this from the Usa.
Over two years since their Different Gear Still Speeding debut in 2011, Beady Eye unveiled the follow up BE. Having enlisted the services of producer Dave Sitek from TV on the Radio, the band took the shackles off and explored new sounds.
If you initially feel a sense of dread at the thought of a new sound, you need not worry. Although their solid debut retained a hardcore of Oasis fans that followed Liam Gallagher and Co. in their new guise, it was a record unlikely to attract many new admirers.
The band's new record is a collection that Oasis almost certainly wouldn’t have released had they survived their infamous 2009 bust-up in Paris. Seemingly at ease and aware of what each member of the band brings to the table (writing credits are shared), the result is a varied and ‘loose’ sounding record.
The sleeve itself -- an image of a semi-naked woman surrounded by glowing late summer evening color -- captures the feel of the album through its warmth, which is a significant step forward for Beady Eye in terms of writing and experimentation.
The opener Flick of the Finger is as bold a statement of intent as you could have wished for. Gallagher snarls, "The future gets written today" as the track ascends into a crescendo of bass and brass. It's certainly a tune that would fit seamlessly onto a Guy Ritchie film soundtrack.
In similar fashion, album closer Start Anew gradually builds in atmosphere and rises up into a beautifully symphonic climax. There are previously unheard aspects to Gallagher’s vocal on display throughout the album, which leads to the standout track.
Another stellar track, Soon Come Tomorrow, has the potential to raise the band to a new level commercially. One minute in leaves the listener unsure of where the track is heading before the tempo suddenly lifts and leads into a sublime chorus where a new-found variety in Gallagher's vocals is most evident. With less effects and more range, Gallagher's tones arguably become the most influential instrument on the record.
There are still a couple of songs that are reminiscent of 1990’s Oasis. Iz Rite, whilst not the strongest song on the album, is an easy-going accompaniment to the more psychedelic offerings elsewhere. Although still rooted in the sounds of the 90’s, the song I'm Just Saying should receive a great reception at the band's forthcoming live gigs.
To accuse Beady Eye of sticking to the tried and tested formula of their debut would be amiss. Don’t Brother Me may be scrutinized by those hoping for a Gallagher reconciliation, but the strength of the song doesn't reach the general standard of the album until the 3 minute spun-out ending that doesn't fail to captivate and intrigue as the band hits another dimension.
It is uncertain what the future will hold for Beady Eye. Gallagher has claimed that this could be their last throw of the dice should they not succeed at whatever level he is judging their success against. But if one were to take away the baggage of the past and assess this record purely on its own merits, there is so much to admire.
Cliche or not: the first thing you want to do after the final note of the last track is go back to the beginning and see what you pick up on the next listen. Let’s hope that this is the start of Beady Eye writing a new future. If so, this album is the evidence of a journey just beginning.
[there was no rating, but sounds like another 4 stars]

Beady Eye instrumentals

MILAN - There's a poem attached to the Milano Pirelli calendar (for the month: December 1968) photo by Peccinotti of the Beady Eye new album. 

Maria, svegliati, scaccia il torpore! 
Le allodole cantano di nuovo nel cielo, 
Tra i rami del biancospino, già 
L’usignolo ha iniziato il suo dolce lamento! 

Vieni a vedere l’erba baciata dalla rugiada, 
E i boccioli nati sui rami del tuo roseto, 
Che tu stessa bagnasti, l’altra sera, 
Con gesti gentili e amorosi! 

Ieri mi giurasti, prima di coricarti,
Di alzarti con me, prima di me,
Ma l’alba e i suoi sogni ti tengono ancora lontana.

E allora tieni ancor chiusi i tuoi occhi,
E cento e cento volte li bacerò,
E pure il tuo piccolo seno:
Ma, poi, destati amor mio!

some karaoke :) 

shame the great guitar solo from 2:25 is not clear here

the other songs next time

I'm looking for the video of Silverstone highlights (Formula 1) with Flick of the Finger instrumental, I think it's necessary to be Sky UK subscribers to see it on their website. It was great, with images of the British guards with trumpets, the commentators were excited, etc.


Beady Eye new single: Shine a light

LONDON - artwork (by Peccinotti) for the Beady Eye new single: Shine a light, 19 August. 
video shot in West Country where Liam also met Richard Ashcroft, before the Glastonbury festival, and went to Newton St Loe (Bath) @ The Globe pub


Beady Eye @ Ibiza & Mallorca Rocks

a little break after the Italian Pistoia Blues, then T in the Park and before Benicassim festival, as announced time ago, @ birthday of Ibiza Rocks and Mallorca Rocks, Balearic islands in Spain, that is where Noel Gallagher ("fucking hippies") sold the house, 'cause he was moaning (how rare eh!) about some neighbour... too young places for him retired old man.
You know Noel, you need a little break to get away for a holiday so you can see the sun, 'cause in the sun they say it's fun... on a crowded beach in Spain
(Oasis' Bonehead's Bank Holiday)

request to the organizers: please next time one also @ paradise island Menorca and Formentera


Beady Eye @ Pistoia Blues festival

PISTOIA - ...I see the wonder of life and look for the wall, na na na na ahaha
In Italy again. The setlist for festivals is a bit reduced, it's normal. Some people moaned... there were also people who are not fans, being a traditional festival in a square... some Noel fan put around the rumour that Liam received a slap and he was angry and interrupted the gig... not true. They must have learned from Noel telling lies. They can't even count the number of songs. Liam was kind as always with all the fans, signed autographs also on jerseys, came off the stage and all. Top form.
13 songs: Flick of the Finger, Four Letter Word, Soul Love, Second Bite of the Apple, Iz Rite, Shine a Light, Rock'n'Roll Star, I'm Just Saying, Morning Glory, The Roller, Start Anew, Bring the Light, Wigwam.

more to add soon


Glastonbury 2013 photos

pics, Beady Eye (White Smoke intro) Flick of the Finger (audio)


Beady Eye in München & Berlin

MUNICH - Backstage Werk. Today Beady Eye in Italy again. More to add soon.



Beady Eye in Milan -part 4

another part of interview added to part 1 and here playing Second Bite of the Apple


Beady Eye white smoke

Beady Eye gigs intro song (this is an edit).

other new tour dates announced:

10 November - Barrowland, Glasgow, Scotland
12 November - O2 Academy, Leeds
13 November - O2 Academy, Newcastle
15 November - Academy, Manchester
16 November - Academy, Manchester
18 November - Civic Hall, Wolverhampton
19 November - Guildhall, Portsmouth
21 November - Hammersmith Apollo, London